Team Box Wheelchairs
Quinn “Quinncess” Waitley
From: La Jolla, CA
Age: 33 years old
When I was between 10 and 11 years old I used to watch Aaron, Christiaan, Darryl, Jonathan, Kathy, Oscar, Mike, Justin and several other adaptive skaters on YouTube. So to be where I am today just blows my mind. I can’t believe I got my first sponsor Box Wheelchairs only two years ago and since that day my love for skating has grown. For me WCMX or Chair Skating as I like to call it because I base my style and tricks from skateboarding, I skate for God. He’s the reason why I am who I am, he made me and gives me everything I take none of the credit. I’m so honored and blessed to be going to this event and to be skating with my favorite skaters that I use to watch on YouTube and now there lifelong friends. I’m very thankful and honored to be riding along with Kathy and to be one of few women in this sport, it means more to me than you will ever know. Thank You!
~ Quinncess